It's not a place, it's a yearning.
It's not a race, it's a journey.

EECS 351 Communication Theory (Fall 2023)

General Information

  • Syllabus: 08/29/2023
  • Meeting time: 4:50PM -6:05PM, TR
  • Meeting Location: Nord 212
  • Office Hours: by appointment


  1. Textbook: Simon Haykin and Michael Moher, Communication Systems, 5th Ed., Wiley, 2009. ISBN-10: 0471697907. ISBN-13: 978-0471697909.

Homework Assignments

  1. Homework 1 (due on Sep. 21):
    • 2.1 a; 2.2; 2.6 a, b, d; 2.12;
  2. Homework 2 (due on Oct. 3):
    • 2.18 a; 2.21;
    • Note: there are some errors in our textbook.
      1. For Problem 2.18, the integral should be from t-T to t (not T).
      2. For Problem 2.21, the filter can produce output y(t) = x(T-t). Forget about the impulse response.
  3. Homework 3 (due on Nov. 7):
    • 3.5; 3.7; 3.8; 3.16; 3.19; 3.22.
  4. Homework 4 (due on Dec. 13):
    • 4.4 a, b; 4.5 a; 4.9; 4.10.
  5. Homework 5 (due on Dec. 13):
    • 4.14; 4.18.



teaching/eecs351.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/29 00:49 by lipanleo